National Forest Inventory Committee

The National Forest Inventory Committee was created in the REDD + framework through a letter of understanding between SINAC and Fonafifo in order to guide the design, implementation and analysis of forestry information for REDD + and, in general, to evaluate the forest resources. This inventory is funded by the REDD / CCAD / GiZ program and represents the first nationally representative forest inventory in Costa Rica

Institution Members
Sistema nacional de áreas de conservación (SINAC)

Gilbert Canet (President)

María Isabel Chavarría

Carlos Varela

Mauricio Castillo

Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento Forestal (Fonafifo)

Alberto Méndez

Guisella Quirós

María Elena Herrera

Javier Fernández



Progress in the development of the REDD +

2008 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015-2020
-Costa Rica was selected for the FCPF -Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP), Approved by the Committee of participants (CP) - SESA national workshop
-Monitoring workshops
- Grant agreement signed for the preparation toolkit. - Workshop on the investment strategy for the emissions reduction program. - Approval of ER-PIN at the CP

-LOI signature OF THE LOI
-Begins information process
-Presentation of MTR
- Toolkit to prepare and document REDD+ strategy - ERPA ( Emission Reductions Payment Agreement)
All rights reserved © REDD+ Costa Rica 2024
Produced by El Domo Comunicación